While the combat was interesting and some of the minigames were quite flashy (particularly the last boss) I have to disagree.
The game can be longer, and I mention that there are alot of side quest type things to take up your time if you so care to, but adding that still doesn't add up to a good value for a game that's most closely related to Zelda (which are the gold standard for value for such a game and have far more value)
And I definitely don't agree that the game looks beautiful. There are a few cool visuals aesthetically, but technically the game is nothing amazing, and the sometimes atrocious dialogue/voiceacting helped bring the presentation back down to 7.0
Yet you complain about the combat, and give it no praise for where it works extremely well. And when it works, it is a fucking blast. Instead you trash it for the low points.
My problem with your length is it is entirely inconsistent with the text of the review. You say you got lost (despite the game being completely linear), and did side quests and yet beat the game in 9 hours. Without getting lost, and not goofing off I am at 11. I could have shaved maybe an hour or two off by catching a train here or there, but no way 9 hours to beat it unless you are trying to beat it as fast as humanly possible. The text and the numbers just don't add up on that one.
The voice acting is also not terrible as you seem to imply, nor is the dialogue. It is standard Square Enix quality. Yes it is absolutely atrocious compared to other media, but compared to video games it is absolutely fine.
the combat is the worst thing about the game if you ask me, i don't know how you guys can find it fun, when all you do is point, click, and waggle up , left, or right. No experience rewards are given, only medals (which are useless), though life expansions are given. The exploration aspect is the best thing about the game, and i do agree that the game looks beautiful compared to wii games, but below par FF XII
Honestly playing both games on a nice HDTV and I'd have to say FFCC looks a lot like FFXII with more size and scale and more things going on at once, so I could see it being called on par for style, but scale, effects, and such it looks better and its obvious.
MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"
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