Sony claimed $5.1b in USA video game revenue. This is how I would imagine it split roughly -
Playstation HW ~ $2.1b
PS3 HW Est - (1.4m * $400) + (2.9m * $300) ~$1.4b
PSP HW Est - (1.4m * $170) + (1.1m * $200) ~$0.5b
PS2 HW Est - (0.3m * $130) + (1.5m * $100) ~$0.2b
Accessories ~ $0.45b
Playstation SW ~ $2.6b
PS3 SW E: $40 * 45m ~$1.8b
PS2 SW E: $25 * 20m ~$0.5b
PSP SW E: $20 * 15m ~$0.3b
People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge.
When there are more laws, there are more criminals.
- Lao Tzu