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You're looking too far ahead it seems.. All you have to do is look at the titles announced for this year:

Mario Galaxy 2
Tales of Graces
Monster Hunter 3
Red Steel 2
Endless Ocean 2
Epic Mickey
Metroid: Other M
The Grinder
Dynamic Slash
Sin and Punishment 2
Mega Man 10
Super Monkey Ball: Step and Roll

I don't know about you, but that's more than enough for me in 2010, and I'm sure we will here more coming at E3. If 3rd parties are really jumping ship in droves as you say, we won't really see the effects of that until 2011 anyway. I don't think there will be a substantial difference in 3rd party games in the coming years for Wii though. If anything, I still think it will be better as the userbase continues to increase and developers get more comfortable with Wii development. Hell it doesn't take much to improve upon.