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patapon said:

Much of the games appeal comes from it flair. There's no question about it. Some people love it like yourself, others do not. If you don't, than the combat doesn't do much for ya... it's a feature that acts as an aggravating or mitigating factors to your view on the games greatness.

For example, some people think God of War has the superior fighting mechanic, others Ninja Gaiden. Making statements like its gameplay is objectively better than X just shows me that you love the flair...

...and Bewbs ^_^

I think that's completely wrong. You can't say that gameplay is completely objective while saying that presentation isn't. By your example, everything spoken about any game is subjective, and Ninja Bread Men can be better than Mario Galaxy.

In reality, depth is a key factor. While the gameplay in GoW is good, it isn't very original, and it isn't very deep. Bayonetta strikes a perfect balance there with difficulty, depth, and innovation.

Whatever people are saying that GoW has a better battle system than Bayonetta, I highly doubt those are people who have actually played Bayonetta.

What you have done, is marginalize Bayonetta in your head, probably to justify yourself not purchasing it. To most people, extreme quality differences are not really objective(and by that, I don't mean their opinion about the individual game, but their opinion about certain things superiority to others being a quantifiable fact ie Godfather II v Bloodrayne the film), Mario Galaxy is better than Ginger Bread Men, and Bayonetta's gameplay is much better than most other action games, especially DMC 2 and 4, and it is unarguably much deeper than any GoW game by any quantifable scale. That said, everyone has an opinion, but please play the game(if you have I apologize, but by your reasonings I assume you haven't, and I also assume that if you did, you would comment on your opinion rather than others) before stating things like "X isn't better than Y, because gameplay is objective." If you played X, you probably wouldn't agree with yourself.

Also, if everything ever written is subjective, why not buy this game for the hell of it. You just might like it. Most owners do as do most critics. It's got a better chance than anything to be a superior AAA game in your own subjective opinion.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.