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kowenicki said:
darthdevidem01 said:
kowenicki said:
Solid_Snake4RD said:
pokeclaudel said:
tingyu said:
At least my FFXIII on PS3 would be in HD video instead of super compressed youtube quality video

You are pathetic. You watched those same quality movies a coupule of years ago on the ps2 with no problem whatsoever.

I knew I was right about the the actual game taking up little space on the disc. I doubt we'd be able to see a major difference in the movies anyway. Now everyone is going to try to say that the PS3 version is better because of the slightly better video quality of the prerendered video quality not the fact the in game graphics are the same for both games.

yeah but this is new gen and we want better and uncompressed video

well you will be left wanting then... ps3 doesnt have uncompressed video either.

HE likes uncompressed sound maybe?

I know my dog will neeed FF13 with uncompressed sound, he's probably the only one who can notice a different

{these insults towards 360 version are getting ridiculous now}

It is sad really.  When there is little difference between multiplats in 360 favout it is not an issue.  When its FFXIII its a major issue and the 360 version is all of a sudden a gimped mess. 

There is virtually no noticable difference here.  And if anyone thinks I am being selective then go look at my reactions to every single comparison thread where the 360 version is deemed better... I basically say who gives a toss... the game is the same.

Long standing members here like Leo who are perpetuating the myth that the game is lesser because of the 360 should be ashamed, and since the revelations of the size of the game should be embarrassed,  just play the game on the PS3, let those that want to play it on the 360 do so, mind your own business and shut up.

Darth you have been an example to others during the recent nonsense surrounding FFXIII


Thanks, I just want to get rid of unecessary negativity for either versions, as believe it or not, some gullible soul might actually believe in the "360 ruined FF13" BS

The short term memory show is astounding.


"Content cut from FF13"  -- ZOMG XBOx 360 TO BLAME!!!!!!

yeah but you guys do know that MAJOR content has been cut from almost every FF, including a whole world in FF6, & most of FFX-2 from FFX?


"The game is linear as hell" -- ZOMG ITS CUS THEY HAD TO FIT IT ON 3 DISCS

ergh, lost oddesy, TOV & other JRPG's say HI! The vision for FF13 WAS for it to be linear, its made by the team that made the most linear FF game (FFX)....get over it.


And now people make a big deal out of uncompressed sound, I wonder will we really be making an effort to notice a minute difference in the sound instead of paying attention to the battles, the story, dialogue & so on? no we won't even notice.

You know saying "I prefer 1 disc" is even a fair point to make, but a big deal out of uncompressed sound, come on guys


But mark my words, the insults & blaming will only get worse closer to FF13's launch, I hope a "ban at sight" system can be adopted by mods, as its getting annoying now.

We should all be waiting & hoping to enjoy FF13, not starting the "I blame _ _ _ _" game 2 months before its release

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey