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I am new.

I am not sure if I will be raped in the back alley of VG chartz or maybe I am being too paranoid but..

I kinda wanna sell my 360.. I am getting kinda bored with all the shooters and what not.. I don't know.. I am not use to it.. It's great ! I love it.. recently got the red ring of death and its sent in for repairs, and I know it has variety but.. maybe I am not to kind to "new comers" in the game market.

Anyways.. I am building a website, I get paid $100 and a 80GB PS3. The way I look at it, the online community may not be as "top notch" as 360's but.. it's free. And I start thinking about great titles like FF13 and MGS4 (exclusive?)

I know this is kinda a repetitive topic thats talked about a lot (I JUST GOT A PS3) but I'd just like some input on others who have made the "switch" and have joined the darkside.

Trust me, I use to bash PS3 a lot.. I am not a fanboy.. (well maybe a little).

Understanding is the key.