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Skeeuk said:
well both versions were ported from the pc crystal tools, ps3 version only has the bigger size cgi data because they was no reason to compress them.

SE have already confimed that game data had to be cut, so i stand by that game data was cut due to them having to make a fair version of a 360 game. for which i 100% agree multiplats should be same, but i feel the game woould have been larger if ps3 only, i hope versus dont go multiplat.

Game data is cut from every game. Hell RE4 went through multiple game version period with the first version of the game becoming the original Devil May Cray. Let's assume that "a games" worth the of data was really cut from the game. That would just make FFXIII a four disc 360 game just like Lost Odyssey. Every since FFXIII was confirmed to be multiplatform, some PS3 owners having been looking to blame anything wrong with FFXIII on the 360 port.