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NFGBlinkAC said:
Darc Requiem said:

NFGBlinkAC said:
IMO, I like FFVII out of all the others.
--FFI - Awesome since it started off the series.
--FFII - Pretty neat way of "leveling" your characters, even though they dont have levels lol.
--FFIII - Nice Job System, even though Evokers and Summoners are exactly the same thing basically.
--FFIV - One of my favorites. DRK Cecil FTW!
--FFV - Haven't played in a long time, but would love to play it again.
--FFVI - So over hyped IMO when compared to VII, but still a great game. Probably my 4th Fav FF so far.
--FFVII - Favorite one out of the whole series. The idea of Limit Breaks and the Materia System is probably up there along with the in depth character developement and storyline when describing why I like it.
--FFVII DoC - Decent Shooter, but could've been better. Interesting Side Story.
--Crisis Core - FFVII - Has the possibility of the best hand held RPGs of all time. Can't wait to play it.
--FFVIII - Junction System was awesome idea, but could be extremely tedious to make your characters insane early one.
--FFIX - Old School style FF with the Trance Feature instead of Limit Breaks = FTW!
--FFX - Awesome storyline with a fast paced turn based battle system.
--FFX-2 - Least likable FF. Mediocre at best.
--FFXI - Great MMO. Actually has a good stroyline, unlike WoW.
--FFXII - Enjoyable new gameplay thats introduced.
--FFXIII - Do I need to explain how amazing that game looks with only like 5 sec of actual gameplay? *drool* Only thing I'm worried about is the story line and how many characters you can control :(
--FFvXIII - From the revealed information about game play, should be amazing since Nomura wants it to replace the KH battle systems since it's so similar.

[formatting edited for brevity]

FFVI over hyped!? Where is Nanzatips when you need him. FFVII has been bludgeoned over the heads of fans of REAL Final Fantasy titles for the last ten years. Its one of the most overhyped games ever. FFVI had one ridiculous 15 sec ad with a clay mation Moogle zapping monsters from the game with no in game footage. It came on at like 2 am for a couple weeks at best. FFVII had an ad campaign that constantly barraged you with FMV to mask the fact that the games graphics looked crap even by 1997 standards.

[FAIL picture redacted for brevity]

FFVI is so over hyped by the "underground cool" FF fans.  FFVII did what FFVI did but a lot better.  I'm sorry, it's hard to take a luaghing clown seriously and try to get in the story when ur up against someone who's bad ass.  And if you want to start game bashing,  FFVI is the leg polio of the FF series.  You fail, your pics fail, and your opinions fail.  Stop trying to say ur opinion "FFVI is the best FF" as a fact, it's really annoying.  I was simply stating my opinion about it's over hypedness that people do, stupid douche.  there are things called exageration that exist in the English Language, learn them.

P.S.  If you don't want to look like a douche, you might not want to respond fanboyishly over someones opinion, it helps. 

I thought about responding to your first post, but decided to let it slide.  I cannot, however, bring myself to ignore the outrageous claims made in your second post. 

--"Hype" is defined by everyone except you to mean the excitement, or unwarranted excitement, or marketing blitz surrounding the launch of a game.  Perhaps you mean "overrated"? 

--Name one thing that was done in both games and was better in FFVII.  We can argue all day long about the combat systems but the depth of the characters in FFVI was miles beyond what was in FFVII.  Joke all you want about "Kefka teh clown lol" but Sephiroth was pretty shallow to me.  Kefka was a goddamn lunatic but his character still got more development than Soap-Opera Sephiroth.  Of course based on your comments here I might conclude that you only care about appearances, not actual depth, which would explain your opinion of Sephiroth vs. Kefka as well as FFVII vs. FFVI in general. 

FFVII had better 3D characters, because it had the ONLY 3d characters.  It had a better 3d world map, because FFVI was limited to Mode 7.  It had better FMV, because it had the ONLY FMV.  FFVI had better characters, more characters, more well-developed characters; more sympathetic characters, and more believable characters.  (No, Kefka is not (much), but neither is Sephiroth nor many many other FFVII characters.)  I would say that it told a better story, too, but although I am sure I would win such a debate it is a very arguable point. 

--I'm honestly dumbfounded that you would dig up a disease like polio to compare FFVI to.  Why?  Why not the much more infamous, well-known, and reviled leprosy?  This is leaving aside, of course, the fact that it's a despicable comparison in the first place, and you're frankly stupid for saying it's the worst in the series (as it would have to be to be "the leg polio of the FF series").  Oh wait, you just contradicted yourself -- "FFX-2 - Least likable FF. Mediocre at best."  Sorry for not letting your stupid comment slide because it was exaggeration. 

--"there are things called exageration that exist in the English Language, learn them."  If youre going to berate someone for alleged misunderstanding of the English language (as you seem to imply that you deliberately exaggerated, which Darc Requiem should have detected and compensated for), then perhaps you should use it more carefully yourself:  "There are things like exaggeration in the English language; learn them."  OR  "There is something called exaggeration in the English language; learn it." 

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
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My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
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The old smileys: ; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for , let me know!
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I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom!