darthdevidem01 on 14 January 2010
postofficebuddy said: With games like Ar Tonelico 3, Resonance of Fate, Star Ocean 4, Yakuza 4, and the Micheal Jackson Bundle the gap in Japan should remain pretty high throughout most of quarter 1 so I expect a WW gap of around 80k a week for the most part for the next 3 months. Also expect that gap to drop a fair bit once post NPD adjustments are in. Even Source admits that it's probably going to be around 1.35 million for PS3. VGC currently has it around 1.15 million. |
All thos JRPG's are good and all but aren't all that big
GT5 should've been there for Q1 :(
All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey