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Capcom is calling you out, readers.

Over at community site Capcom Unity, company head of public relations Chris Kramer linked to my story about an upcoming Project Natal game being produced by Capcom. At CES 2010, Capcom teased that it was working on a Project Natal game that wouldn't be released at Project Natal's launch, based on a brand "we haven't seen in a while." Readers immediately started guessing away.

"Dino Crisis," said ricky047. "Final Fight!" predicted jamesarc. "Mega Man," guessed SkylerZio.

Those could be right, but Capcom doesn't believe we can pin down what franchise it's based on.

"Honestly, you will never, ever, EVER guess which franchise it is," said Kramer, "but you will freak out when we finally announce [it]."

That just means we need to guess harder, readers.