Desroko said:
I think there's a difference between a critic who attempts to qualify a work, and a reviewer, who merely seeks to quantify it. The best critics can incisively analyze a work, pull apart its themes, pick apart its details, and put them back together in such a way that that the reader can follow and achieve a greater understanding, as if they'd had a window into the artist's mind at the time of creation A reviewer watches or plays a movie or game and assigns a number based on whether it was "bad-ass," "awesome," "okay," "boring," or "gay." The videogame industry, from what I've seen, has no critics. It has a ton of reviewers, who sustain on themsevles on blind loyalty/hostility to a given system, schwag, and a rather pathetic sort of pride that comes from the towering achevement of their lives - getting their games website listed on Metacritic. |
While I agree videogame reviewers don't live up to the lofty expectations you have for a critic I disagree that as a group they are as bad as you say in your last paragraph. I personally have no towering sense of pride from reviewing, have thrown away most of the "schwag" recieved with review copies, and definitely do not have a blind loyalty or hostility towards any system. In fact I don't personally know any reviewers that act as you have described. I think that most reviewers are just people who like to play games and write about about them to inform people who are unsure of whether or not the game is worth playing. I haven't met any that are the self righteous pricks you make them out to be. Poor guys are just doing a job, some of them love it and some of them don't, but they don't deserve to be called pathetic.