By the way, this is not "another developer abandoning the Wii", this is just "another developer continuing not to do much for the Wii".
And a side note - looks like they will be sending out Red Steel 2 to die by hardly advertising, then will use that as yet further proof to justify their decision. I mean - what happens if Red Steel 2 would have been successful - their entire business decision would be proved wrong. So they MUST get Red Steel 2 to fail.
Currently Playing: Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked, Professor Layton and the Curious Village
Anticipating: Xenoblade, The Last Story, Mario Kart 7, Rayman Origins, Zelda SS, Crush3D, Tales of the Abyss 3DS, MGS:Snake Eater 3DS, RE:Revelations, Time Travellers, Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney, Luigi's Mansion 2, MH TriG, DQ Monsters, Heroes of Ruin