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coolbeans said:
Mummelmann said:
Naum said:
Not to be rude but how much of the sales comes from the really really cheap prices it has? I mean I can buy this game here in Sweden new for less then 1/3 of the full price it had when it was released.

Its called platinum titles and this has been a practice since the early days of the PS2 with Sony's titles. And its a good thing, I still shudder at the thought of paying 850 NOK for Ocarina of Time well over a decade ago a couple of years after the game launched.

Does this also mean we should disregard console hardware sales as soon as they start dropping the prices? I mean, the PS3 has halved its price since launch and one can hardly say that the sales count any more at this point.

You sure that's not how it's always been?  Heck, I recall OoT being $30 when I was down in Florida from a normal retail outlet.

I thought my giving out the price in NOK currency was a dead giveaway, but what the heck; I'm from Europe, more specifically Norway and stuff costs a lot here. A whole lot, especially the older Nintendo stuff was abbhorrently priced with some games costing what would amount to roughly 300$ counting inflation from then till now and the current exchange value.

Its probably all dandy in Florida but I live in a country and area that isn't exactly pampered with cheap electronics. Every time I read on here that someone has built a gaming rig for 600$ I die a little inside, knowing that here you can barely get a decent GPU for that price.