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I'm gonna avoid the whole new vs used debate because both sides have merit, buy what you want and sleep well at night. What i will say is if the minamum wage slave on the other side of the counter won't take no for an answer and contuines with the hard sell, fuck with him. Fuck. With. Him. HARD. Now to be perfectly clear on this, the speil that the EB/GS guys give is part of their job, they are obligated to do it, so it would be very bad taste abuse them for just doing it once. The problem starts when you have said, " No thanks, not intrested", and it is taken as a challange to get you to say yes, as in the OP's case. When ever this comes up for me, I make it my new mission to make the clerks life a living hell, by holding up lines nitpicking and asking stuipd questions, demading to inspect the disc before compleating the sale, porposly fucking up my debit pin, and just about anything else i can think of at the time. Long and short of it is i understand they are doing thier jobs, i worked retail for enough years to know that being behind the counter is often not enjoyable, but my patince can be strected only so far. How many other places in the world would you tolerate somebody ignoring what you've said and treating you like a child?