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hentai_11 said:
to your Fire Emblem question:

Radiant Dawn is the sequel to Path of Radiance. It plays 3 years after the GC game. You will find many of the characters from the first game. You can even transport your old savegame into the newer game.

If you are unsure about Fire Emblem, you might try one of the GBA parts or the DS part first.

Okay, I might look at the DS game. Thanks

nordlead said:
Rainbird said:
Mario Strikers Charged - One of the best online and local multiplayer games available on the Wii. I don't know if a lot of people play online any more, but if you have any friends it works flawlessly.

I'll give it a look, it's a baseball game right?

It is an arcade soccer game. It plays perfectly. Motion is used for hitting and switching items (I've never accidently done or missed either, so no worries there) and it uses the pointer for "mega strikes" where you play as the goalie and have to block 3-6 shots. You choose 1 captain (major Mario character) and then choose 3 teamates (minor characters like toad/boo). Each character has their own special deke and shot. The captains have mega strikes and special items. My brother and I got very good at this game, and we had a hard time beating it on expert mode, so it has plenty of challenge.

I'll give it a shot, thanks for the advice


Tales of Symphonia - good action RPG. I had a lot of fun with the active battle system.

Eh, I might take a look.

It's good if you are looking for a more traditional action RPG. There aren't a lot on Wii.

Well, that's not really the case for me though, but thanks anyway


Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance - if you really love hard strategy games, then get this before Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. If you aren't sure you'll like the series, then Radiant Dawn is easier to find, and the better game.

I have no idea if I do though, but I'd still love to give it a try. I'm just not keen on trying to locate a copy of a GC game only to find that I don't like it :/
How important is it to play PoR first? Like "Play Drake's Fortune before you play Among Thieves!" or what?

I played Radiant Dawn first (on normal no less and got my butt kicked) and it plays fine by itself. There will be a few story holes here and there, but nothing that ruins it. If you do get RD first and want to play on Normal, I suggest making a thread and getting some vetteran players to give you some tips. There are a few mistakes you can make that right off the bat that will turn a hard game into an impossible game. Playing on easy will avoid those issues though and you can learn on your own.

Thanks for the advice, I'm gonna try to make up my mind on what to do. Possibly try the DS iteration first as hentai_11 suggested.


Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door - good RPG. Uses A/B buttons for attack/defense boost. So you don't just choose what you want to do, you have to make it execute well too. There is also crowd interaction during battles, which makes it more interesting. Not a hard game, but it has a few really good challenges.

I had actually looked at Super Paper Mario, but I suppose getting this first would be better

Super Paper Mario is more of a 2D platformer with minor RPG elements than an RPG with platformer elements. I loved the game myself and it is worth a playthrough, but if you are looking for an RPG you'll be greatly disapointed.

I'm not really sure what I expected, I just heard they were good games



Also, I normally agree very well with metacritic for HD games, but I know that the same rules don't necessarily apply to the Wii library. Can anyone give me a few pointers on possible correlations between the two? Like 85 for a HD game might be 75 for a Wii game or w/e.

scores can be all over the map. NSMBWii didn't break 90, but it deserves to be right up there with the best. I would look as low as 65 if you really enjoy the genre and want something new and interesting. ExciteBike got a 69, but it has been a lot of fun. It is a simple game and only costs $10, but 3 reviewers dumped 50's or lower on it (for no reason) and it dropped down. Some people didn't grow up with a NES, so why knock the game that is a lot better with online?

Fair enough, I'll start bending my metacritic views around this.

Thanks for the info