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I have started using Safari and Chrome to surf VGChartz after I got my home laptop so mucked up with spyware.

I don't know where I got the infection (I was running safety protocols at the time). But this is the only site that I visit routinely where people complain about such issues. Generally, if memory serves me correctly, they occur second or third hand from some of the advertiser links rather than the site itself.

So I figured the more obscure the browser, the less chance of problems.

Mike from Morgantown
(currently on Safari on Windows).


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492