KylieDog said:
KylieDog said:
If the game does not change then no. If however post release patches alter a game then maybe any changes should be taken into account. Would need add to the original review though explaining the reasons for any alterations, though only new changes should affect the score, not a re-review of the entire thing.
For example PAIN on the PSN has had a load of free characters added to it since launch not to mention adding in (all free) other modes including an online multiplayer mode. That is a massive change that adds replayability. This definitely should call for an altered score.
Another example is games with no communties. Take Bionic Commando for example, it has a fully fledged multiplayer mode, so great value and replayability right? Wrong, the online for that game is empty, and not 'low numbers' empty, I mean if you went online every night for a week you would be lucky to see 5 people in total. The multiplayer may as well not exist.
The Bionic Commando example I'm not sure if should alter the game though, are you really reviewing the game or the community, but at the same time without the community that part of the game may as well not exist.
I would like some reviewers opinions on these points. The patching the game to include more content especially.
Games are reviewed for what they are at release. They won't be changed for patches.
I'll consider something like a 6 month update, but it wouldn't take the place of the original review, and I won't be instituting anything like that anytime soon. Too much other stuff going on right now.