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I pirate music, movies and games. Most of the games I download are older roms which are not available in any legal and portable form to use with my emulator enabled handheld. I however also download games that I want to try before I buy. A recent example of this was Torchlight, which I ended up liking and getting from my Steam Secret Santa last year. Some games/game content simply isn't worth any money. An example of this would be the Borderlands Zombie Island DLC, which should have been included with the main game.

Applications are one thing I hate paying for. I have bought a few but even then I get treated as a second class person when a much updated version comes out and my license doesn't work with it. That's probably my biggest issue with legitimate software apart from activation/deactivation drm. I think the only context that I'd buy legal software was if it was for a business computer or something was heavily discounted. That said, I do choose freeware where possible if it's comparable to paid alternatives (VLC > Quicktime, ps3mediaserver > MediaLink for example).

Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka