tjallern said: 3rd party needs too abandon the Wii. Sad but true... We see this soooo many times. Just abandon the Wii and let Nintendo take care of themselves. How many successful (and good) 3rd party games are there on the Wii? MH3? Help me out here ! |
all the red ink this gen says otherwise almost the polar opposite, unfortunately too many developers assume their game will be Call of duty or grand theft auto, third parties really need to wake up and make better wii games that aren't bizarre and ultra violent (no more heroes/madworld), in dead genres (zak & wiki) or gimped ports/ wierd genre changes (castlevania, soul calibur).
sucessful third party games are easy enough to find
resident evil 4, guitar heroes, shuan white, rabbids go home, silent hill, de blob, call of duty,basically anything that is successful on the HD consoles even if it is completely broken or massively gimped performs decently, tomb raider underworld, ghost busters, up until doing wierd things madden was doing fine,
if developers choose to they could focus on every failure on the HD consoles and act like its they end of the world, but they won't because they've invested too heavily into the HD consoles to admit they were wrong
NOW A PUNISHER CAB!!!!!!!!!!!!!