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DS - 200 Million
Wii - 120 Million
PS3 - 60 Million
Xbox360 - 45 Million


Wii has a long way to go, the market buying the Wii is the same as the market that was raised on NES, Gameboy, GBAm and DS; the biggest portion of the videogame market.

Xbox 360 is going to slow down a lot now after its fourth year, the market for the PC gamer, 1337 gamer, hardcore gamer, whatever they call themselves now, is reaching the point of saturation.

PS3 lost a lot of the market; many PSX and PS2 gamers were also Gameboy, GBA, and DS gamers; and have decided to go with Wii instead. I am not sure if this will change. The rest have either left gaming, or will buy a PS3, which is why I think it will sell around double the numbers it currently has.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.