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@luvtospooge I'll agree that a normal attack from the MC is easy as hell to dodge...but no one uses that in PVP unless the opponent is 1 more hit from dying or healing.

Most people utilize the roll attack in MC and as I said before it does a 360 aoe, so unless the spear user has his back against the wall I can actually roll past them and use my aoe attack and it will hit from behind dealing full damage. I have more angles to attack from, and I have a couple frames of invincibility before my attack. The other problem with the blocking idea is unless you wear a max Purple Dragon blocking is more detrimental than helpful. My MC still does 500 damage and that 500 damage doesn't just poof in this game it has to come off opponent stamina. Purple Dragon/Tower shield at max is 85 stamina dr. So one hit of my MC takes off 75 stamina, if you check the chart here you'll see the max stamina any player will ever have is 160 at 40 lvls in stamina. Any shield other than purple dragon or tower shield is just asking to get ripped apart.

I'm not saying spears all suck and everyone should just wield a MC, but there's far better spears that can actually be competitive if built correctly like this at max stats it does 327 damage and the beauty is 300 of that damage is magical. So even if someone blocks they better have a dark silver shield, or it's gonna hurt.

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-