raygun said: Well, they only sold 500,000 of them LAST WEEK ALONE, and there's 55 million of them sold SO FAR, why in the hell would someone think it's a failure? |
To quote:
A fair point, in my opinion, but then he goes on...
But those sales problems are just PSP issues and don't directly relate to the PS3. However, there are a couple potential aspects where the PSP is dissolving resources that could have been better spent on the PlayStation 3.
Imagine if Patapon had been a PlayStation Network game, or even a full retail release. Hammerin' Hero. Pursuit Force. LocoRoco. All of the WipEout titles. Syphon Filter. Chains of Olympus. Dissidia Final Fantasy. The list goes on and on.
Think about it this way: when you think of the PSP in general terms, what comes to mind? Whether it's obvious or not, somewhere in the back of your head is the fact that it's playing second fiddle to the DS. Therefore, even if it's not apparent, the name brand is weakened and watered-down.
In order for the PlayStation 3 to be the most successful HD console and to make a strong move to overtake the Xbox 360 in sales (the Wii is a different challenge altogether), the PlayStation name has to carry a brand strength that is synonymous with the absolute best experience around. With the PSP there in the proverbial room to weaken that status, Sony's #1 priority is being hurt simply by association.