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huaxiong90 said:
Rawnchie14 said:
luvtospooge said:
Game kinda sucks. Friendly fire + respawning time is the worst thing ever...Sniping sucks ass and you can basically shoot without aiming...The game's definitely not on par with either Killzone 2 or Modern Warfare 2...

I would prefer 126 players with good gameplay and decent graphics rather than 256 players, bad gameplay and graphics.

Spot on with what I was thinking.  They were selling the gimmick of having mass players, when they forgot to make a game first.

Gimmick is a bit harsh...they just need to figure out something that'll encourage teamwork.

Okay okay, agreed.  Problem with these online games, especially massive ones like this, is that it can be hard to encourage that kind of behavior.

But what I'm saying is that the obvious hit to graphics/gameplay due to the nature of the massive action, are real turn offs.