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luvtospooge said:
Game kinda sucks. Friendly fire + respawning time is the worst thing ever...Sniping sucks ass and you can basically shoot without aiming...The game's definitely not on par with either Killzone 2 or Modern Warfare 2...

I would prefer 126 players with good gameplay and decent graphics rather than 256 players, bad gameplay and graphics.

Interesting, I guess I'm already used to friendly fire and respawning in waves from games like the Half-Life 2 mod Insurgency and Tripwire's Red Orchestra which are more hardcore in that you die in like one hit and you don't get crosshairs (your weapon moves around like you were playing a Wii FPS). I don't have much of an issue with friendly fire (unless somebody is being an obvious douche which I've only seen maybe once in my playtime with MAG) or the respawn time.

I've also played with friendly fire in Killzone 2 (more in the beta and early days of Killzone 2's launch though since FF games are rarer now).