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Creativity for a known MS franchise... hmmm. Franchises Microsoft owns:

* Aegis Wing
* Age of Empires
* Alan Wake
* Azurik
* Banjo-Kazooie
* Bankshot Billiards
* BattleTech
* Black & White
* Blinx
* Blood Wake
* Blue Dragon
* Brute Force
* Combat Flight Simulator WWII Europe
* Conker
* Crackdown
* Crimson Skies
* D.OT.S
* Fable
* Forza Motorsport
* Freelancer
* Fuzion Frenzy
* Grabbed by the Ghoulies
* Halo
* Hexic
* Infinite Undiscovery
* It's Mr. Pants
* Jawbreaker
* Jetpac
* Joy Ride
* Kakuto Chojin
* Kameo
* Kung Fu Chaos
* Killer Instinct
* Lips
* Lost Odyssey
* Magatama
* Maximum Chase
* MechAssault
* MechWarrior
* Microsoft Flight Simulator
* Microsoft Train Simulator
* Midtown Madness
* Ninety-Nine Nights
* N.U.D.E.@Natural Ultimate Digital Experiment
* Perfect Dark
* Phantom Dust
* Project Gotham Racing
* Quantum Redshift
* Rallisport Challenge
* Rise of Nations
* Scene It?
* Shadowrun
* Starlancer
* Sudeki
* Sudeki
* Tao Feng: Fist of the Lotus
* Tex Murphy
* The Movies
* Too Human
* Tork
* Viva Piñata
* Voodoo Vince
* Whacked!


It could be anything. Shadowrun could be interesting, or insane Killer Instinct combo's on Natal! However, I really hope they don't ruin Age of Empires or Rise of Nations with this.