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etuoyo said:
PS-She said:
KruzeS said:
DMeisterJ said: Delusional much?

So you don't think dropping the price of a console you initially started selling at a loss, by 20-30% (depending on how and where you look) within less than one year isn't desperate measures in desperate times? You also don't think that going way over your projected, already huge, losses for the fiscal year in an effort to remain relevant is desperate?

Kudos for Sony, as it's somewhat working - in Japan, and in Europe at least - but at a huge cost. Fortunately the PS2 also helps. And fortunately the rest of the company is doing OK. But this still can't go on for much longer.

It's called an investment.

No actually it's called desperation.  Would Sony have dropped the price if it was selling well?  No.  they had to drop the price cause they realised they were going to get completely slaughtered in sales and their only hope in staying even remotely relevant in the console war was to drop price. 

No one said it was selling good.  The price drop was to get more people to own the game so that games could do better on their (i.e. sell more) that would mean more money, and helping out the bottom line.  I heard this quote somewher that applies her perfectly.  "You sell the razors low, so people have to keep coming back to buy the blades" or some variation thereof.  Anyway, it just means that the price drop was to get people to buy the PS3 so they could buy games on it, making up for the loss of the price drop that way.