IllegalPaladin said:
There's a drivable APC in the 256 player domination battles (attackers only I think). Defenders have bunkers in which they can spawn in that has a mounted turret on top. Also, when the attackers take out key points (like an AA battery), helicopters will fly in to provide an advanced spawn point and they have a turret on the left and right sides that a player can hop into. Don't expect a Battlefield balance between players and numerous vehicles. Mag is more infantry oriented. --- Go into your equipment loadout screen and select one of your loadouts. If you're wearing armor, highlight it and press X. That should take you to a screen where you can select the colors for your armor as well as adding a berret, helmet, or heavy helmet depending on if you're wearing light, normal, or heavy armor. At least, that's what the helmet options are for me in Raven so I don't know if it's different for each faction. |
Valor does infact have helmets, I have a few layouts with them on. However if you are wearing light armor it does not give you an option seeing as helmets are not light(compared to the other options). It only gives you an option for beanies, caps, and wraps which are not available in the other armor classes(seeing as they don't give you any protection).
I have to say I am really liking this game. It feels fresh, yet easy to understand and feels like I'm contributing right away. I can only imagine how fun it would be to play with 4 or 5 of my buddies at the same time.