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Fing3r said:
Bladeneo said:
I want it for the PS3 when it comes out, but from two accounts I've read of the near final build its either A) A slideshow or B) A slightly moveable slideshow.

God damn Valve, and EA for their lack of PS3 developing ability.

Valve has close to nothing to do with the PS3 version, they say the PS3 is a shitmachine (don't bash me for this but that is what Gabe Newell said).

EA wanted it to be released for the PS3 and they put a different team on it (don't know if it's in house or a satelite developer).

But I also heard they are workin on it, so probably it'll be fixed soonish.


But I still think you'll get more joy out of this pack of games if you get it on PC, cause the mod-community is huge and there are allready tons of extra content for TF2 and Portal.

 I know valve is nothing to do with it, thats why I damned them for tossing it over to EA.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned for Sega. - Jason Lee, Mallrats. - Mainly American Football, snippets of Basketball, European Football and Hockey.