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demonfox13 said:
After reading some responses it does seem to me that alot of posters haven't played ALOT of the JRPG's out there. Yes I played KOTOR, Jade Emprire, Advent Rising, Baldur's gate series, Icewind Dale, etc. If there are any open minded individuals left out there, I expect someone to post in the following week about how they finally played Chrono Trigger or Chrono Cross and how amazing the stories were and how so many different things affected their story and endings. I love Ar Tonelico 1 and 2 but the lack of alot more difficulty (spoiled by Demon's Souls) and Ar Tonelico 2's game breaking Raki glitch may or may not turn people off who knows.

I've played a few JRPGs as well as WRPGs. All the Final Fantasy games (main series), a few from the Starocean series, Chrono Trigger, Golden Sun, Tales of Phantasia and the first 2 Grandia games. Chrono Trigger was easily one of the best RPGs I've played. I've yet to play Demon's Souls but from the sound of things it plays more like a WRPG and to be honest I thought it was one when I first heard about it.

I also notice how the majority of games you mention above are relatively old (not current gen). Recently the storytelling in the JRPGs I've tried, haven't evolved in terms of storytelling beyond that of the SNES and early PS1 era JRPGs and in certain cases, the stories are now more off putting. I much prefer the direction storytelling in WRPGs have been going recently as it seems to be developing more in terms of player influence.