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I voted yes, but leaning towards not sure. It certainly has the potential to do so and I think we will find out in the first few months.

We never really got to see exactly what kind of sustained effect the price cut had before we headed into the holiday boost, so I think it depends on what kind of momentum is maintained after Christmas, what kind of baseline sales it returns to and what Nintendo announces for Q2 and beyond.

Someone mentioned that there is too much core and not enough casual is this years line up and they may be right but I think this is the year we could see a good number of core gamers capitulate and pick up a Wii as a second console under the weight of MG2, Metroid Other M, Retro's game, MH3, NMH2 and RS2. Another fifty dollar price cut wouldn't hurt either in this regard but I wouldn't be holding my breath for that to happen any time this year. The Wii has constantly been derided for it's lack of a good core library but if all or even most of those games fulfill their potential then the Wii is going to start to be pretty hard to resist as a second line console for any core gamer.

Also who knows what Wii Relax will bring.