1. Earthbound/Mother 3 - Never has an RPG had such humor and charm yet have so many deep thoughts all at the same time. IMO the two best games ever made.
2. Zelda LttP - Timeless gameplay meets flawless puzzle and dungeon design, probably the only game I could say is damn near perfect.
3. Starfox 64 - No not the most perfect game, but it was so addictive, some of the best replay value ever, and some of the most epic and corny lines to ever grace games. Do a barrel roll!
4. Final Fantasy IV - Never once have I ever been on the edge as much as this game, from the killer bosses, some of the best music in the series, drama and twists galore, the pacing was just spot on too.
5. Final Fantasy VII - While this would rank 3rd on my favorite FF game, the first time I played this game (note I did play 8 before this one) I was really blown away by the music, the settings, the energy the game had overall, it was really great.
6. Super Mario Bros 3 - Some of the best platforming ever mixed with one of the best world progressions, sure SMW beat it in size and secrets, but SMB3 has some of the most memorable levels and worlds period.
7. Silent Hill Shattered Memories - I wasn't really expecting to enjoy the game as much as I did, it was a complete surprise, the amount of work put into this game is simply remarkable, just the little details alone. The best game story this gen to me.
8. Fallout 3 - I heard a lot, I didn't really care for Oblivion, and everyone was calling it Oblivion with guns. But when I started playing through I found a really enjoyable experience that I just didn't expect.
I'll think up more later.
MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"
Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000