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nightsurge said:
vlad321 said:

Well hell, I travel around a lot. I just spent several months in Madrid this summer. Who do I listen to then?

Using the argument of "it's the law" is the last resort of people who can't think for themselves.

Wow... you really are suffering from the egotistical elitist stigma that PC gamers do.

Let me clarify since once again you don't seem to understand.  You have to follow the laws of the country you are a citizen of! What you do while in Spain or Sweden has to follow their laws, but immediately upon returning to your own residential country you must resume following the laws of that said country.  I would have thought this was common sense... guess not.

And how does "it's the law" mean I cannot think for myself?  We all have free will to do whatever we please.  I choose to obey laws that are just.  If they are unjust, they will naturally be filtered out.  Just like your flawed argument of using past laws to say that all law is a useless argument.  Those laws progressed naturally as the times did, as the people and places matured.  Just as, eventually, piracy in Sweden and Spain and other places will begin to see just treatment and receive laws against them.  The Pirate Bay was just shut down, and it was from Sweden.  Some countries simply progress faster/slower than others in different areas.

So once again, let me drive this point home.  While you are a resident of and currently residing in a country that finds piracy illegal, it is and forever will be illegal/stealing.  If you are in a country that allows it, then you can do it.... but only during the time you reside in that country and are bound by their laws.

Hmmm.. it seems I can think very clearly and intelligently... I guess someone who can't make a unique and logical argument like yourself is really the sign of people who can't think for themselves. 

I'm very well aware of the rule of the land. However you are arguing against piracy, not piracy in the US or the UK or wherever, but piracy. You can't bring in the law when arguing about piracy since piracy is a global issue. That's where you fail to think intelligently.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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