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nightsurge said:
vlad321 said:
nightsurge said:
vlad321 said:
nightsurge said:
vlad321 said:
nightsurge said:
Pirates use such great logic.... I think the Dodge Viper is a subpar car so I'm going to go steal one to show them my dissatisfaction!

I don't personally enjoy Snickers bars, so I'm going to go steal 4 of them to show they are not worth the price or the product isn't good enough!

Apparently they have no grasp of economics to realize that by not buying the game they are doing the right thing if they do in fact think it is an inferior product. Stealing the game, whether to play it or not, just classifies you as a freeloader in economics... a worthless drain on society.

Anti-pirate people have huge problems with analogies and logic it seems. I steal a car and where's the original car? Can someone else buy the original car? No? Then it's not the same. I steal 4 Sickers bars, then can anyone else buy those 4 Snickers Bars? No? Then it's not the same.

Apparently they can't even make a simple analogy.

Wow... thanks for proving my point on the flawed logic pirates have.

Yes someone can still buy the original car when it has been stolen... they can buy it from the guy who stole it or in a direct relation to piracy, they can buy one that is still available for purchase.  Same with the candy bars.

If you are trying to use the flawed argument of "its not stealing, its a copy" then apparently pirates have no grasp of the term COPYRIGHTED!  Otherwise known as illegal to make, distribute, or claim ownership of something that was copied from an original without consent.

Wow... your logic is just...

I know about Copyright, but that is nowehere equivalent to stealing of physical media. Also copyright is a law. I addressed the hilarity of law earlier in the topic.

Ah, yes, that's right.  Pirates are above the law.  The law is merely the last place someone goes to that has no arguments apparently... though you have yet to give an argument AGAINST the law... you merely use more of this avoidance tactics and flawed logic of pirates to not even comment on the law.

I also find it hilarious that pirates try to make it as if their are varying degrees of stealing/theft.  "Stealing this in such a manner is no where near the same as stealing that in that way!" 

Keep it coming, pirates.  You guys make my day

Well Sweden and Spain don't mind, as long as you don't make profits off the piracy. So then... who's right?

Also no, pirates don't try to say there's different levels of stealing because they aren't so stupid as to call piracy stealing.

Do you live in Sweden or Spain?  If not then piracy is a violation of copyright law and IS STEALING!  You are bound by the laws of your country.  You cannot pick and choose laws and freedoms from places to live by your own custom set of rules.

Gosh... is this really that hard to figure out?

Well hell, I travel around a lot. I just spent several months in Madrid this summer. Who do I listen to then?

Using the argument of "it's the law" is the last resort of people who can't think for themselves.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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