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Thanks for the reply.  I uderstand the whole distance = lag concept so I was talking about an " if " situation where the 2 players and server are in close geographical location, say, within the same city / state. 

  Again excuse my example but I live in west coast Canada = close to Seattle or Vancouver and I connect to a CS server in California and achieve about 35-45 ping on average.  Some people in this server are getting the 8-20 ms level which I assume they live relatively close to the server location i.e within the state of California.  When 2 of these 8-20 ms people fight each other would that truely be only a 1/60~2/60 sec delay? 

Side question:  Does DOA4 have dedicated servers around the globe?  player1 - server - player2

or do players connect directly?  host player1 (0 ms) - player2

crappy old school NES games are more entertaining than next-gen games.