Just to add an example, WKC, a game with a relatively poor critical reception in Japan(with a lot of hatred coming from the community as well) is very hyped amongst PS3 fans, and I'll probably actually get flamed just for mentioning that it might not be that good.
However, it receives none of the criticism or prejudging from jrpg fans that FFXIII has gotten. I've seen some people claim that XIII is "the most hated FF in japan" and that's just a presumption. No Final Fantasy has been hated by a majority of purchasers in Japan, so far, and every FF since VII has been subject from criticism from anti-communities worldwide who would rather have THAT experience recreated than to try some inferior new version, but what they don't realize is that nostalgia plays an important role in their recollection of FFVI and VII, and indeed, it is much better for the gamer, genre, industry, and series for the developers to continue to change and try new things. They've released many great games in this series, and all of them have anticommunites. This is no different. Just be sure you join it by forming your own opinion.
Every FF I've played takes 20 or so hours to get warmed up, imho. However, I wonder why people listen to the 20 hour comments but don't believe the 100 hour of gameplay comments. I'm sure the early linearity(like in every FF) has a varying length, and there is no doubt in my mind that "20 hours" is a embellishment, but either way, I wouldn't mind the game being linear to the end. This is a JRPG, it's supposed to be linear until at least disc 2, lest you forget. I have trouble thinking of many jrpgs that aren't.
I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.