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I've pirated MW2, finished singleplayer in 4,5h and than deleted the game along with it's ISO's. I have CoD4 and I really enjoyed it, thought I've enjoyed CoD5 more (Treyarch > Infinity Ward). But MW2 was just a screwed up expansion, with tons of glitches, short and not satysfiing singleplayer (the only part that I've liked was the russia mountain episode), ramped up price from activision pricks.

Uncharted 2 was levels beyond MW2, I'd rather see NSMBWii nominated than Modern Crapfare, hence the best shooter should be Killzone 2, since it atleast brought something new.

/rant rant

MY HYPE LIST: 1) Gran Turismo 5; 2) Civilization V; 3) Starcraft II; 4) The Last Guardian; 5) Metal Gear Solid: Rising