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@NiKKoM......ROFL that was priceless man, post of the week by far!
I would say Uncharted 2, KZ2, Crysis (on max settings). A worthy mention also goes out to Gears of War 2. PS3 is also capable of AA but does so differently to the 360 btw (figured I'd mention that). Lighting, shadows, great fps, not to mention no screen tearing nor popup is what makes those games top of the graphics list. It's also important to note that Zelda: TP has very good graphics considering the system it's on, and despite having a more cartoony feel to it, Muramasa is outright beautiful to look at.

Make games, not war (that goes for ridiculous fanboys)

I may be the next Maelstorm or not, you be the judge  hopefully I can be more of an asset than a fanboy to VGC hehe.