Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
I loved pretty much all of gundam anime from 1997 to 2007 when it aired on toonami and stuff, there were so many of them though i don't know what is what to this day, i remember one of my faves was the one where a guy would yell "SHINING FINGER!!!' or something-something-buring finger or whatever lol. and alot of others that i forget, i remember there was a brown haired guy who was popular and a guy with an oprea mask and blonde hair, are they all in this game or are they all seperate? i heard they all came together in one game and it was this gen but never bothered to check which one it was. |
Ahh, yeah they're all in there, and have their signature moves. The guy in the mask is a recurring character, all different people but the mask means something (I've forgotten now) but there's like one in each series just about it. And the emo guy you're talking about is Heero Yuy, though my favorite is Deathscythe Hell and his pilot Duo Maxwell :P
MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"
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