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lol at the 360 fans coming in here and bashing Killzone 2. Honestly, some of the people posting anti Killzone 2 crap in here don't own a ps3 and have never played the game. Heruamon, I'm looking at you since your the most recent! Do you do anything but talk about and compare ps games you've never played to other titles (first it was GoW which you admitted to never playing and yet continued a lengthy argument with every one who did in the Dante's Inferno thread). You can't tell me there aren't enough quality 360 games to discuss, I know better.

As for the topic. I greatly preferred Killzone 2's multiplayer. Between the switching objectives which combine all game modes into one round (this was a great new idea for online but no one ever gives the game it's credit), the depth of the classes all of which are fun to play with and master and maybe with the exception of the Assault class are all very well balanced, and what I would call the best maps in an online FPS this gen (tied with COD4 actually) it all adds up to an incredible mp that I was addicted to for months which is much longer then I stick with games. I like to bounce from game to game as they are released. That said, I'm in the camp that believes the Single player was mediocre, with a poorly fleshed out story and very dislikable characters. Meanwhile, I very much enjoyed the MW2 campaign. MW2

PS3 Trophies