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I think it's important and anyone with half a brain would as well. It's good that vgcharts tries to keep track of bundles as well as so few places do, however, combining them as 'sales' kind of ruins a lot of the point. If you bundle 10 games you suddenly have 10 multi million sellers and it lobb sides the discussions a lot. I've already seen people cite 360 at '28' million sellers even though marvel hasn't officially hit that figure yet (even though it might if ioi ever adds euro data)

It's fine to consider bundled titles relevant, but when viva pinata (more or less a commercial failure) jumps from 450k to near 900k, it would be nice for people to know what is in fact a consumer walks into store with intent to buy viva pinata sale, vs consumer ripped viva pinata out of box and sold to ebgames sale.

I think a reliable sales site needs to detail things of this nature, vgcharts is getting better in a lot of ways, but I can't say, yeah, viva pinata sold 1 million copies with an honest face. Yet I want to know what it sold for real and I can't anymore.

I'm not saying remove them from the million seller list, but to specify in some way what was a bundle sale and what wasn't, it just seems like an obvious move, if you disagree, you're wrong, there is no harm in doing so but a lot of harm in not.

Note: Some games in my collection are no longer owned, but have owned.