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Thinking about the two threads in regard to Nintendo's lineup and the thread about the psp's lineup, and looking at all the systems, I'm realizing this year really won't be about any one system. 2007 is sort of like a perfect storm of the gaming world. No year ever before had so many major sequals launched in a 12 month window like this. Think about it we have:

  1. FF
  2. MGS
  3. Halo
  4. Mario
  5. Smash Bros.
  6. Pokemon
  7. Metroid
  8. C&C
  9. GTA
  10. Zelda
  11. God of War
  12. Monster Hunter
  13. Dragon Quest


I mean come on what's bigger then GTA, Pokemon, Mario, Smash Bros, Halo and FF? They are all monster Million sellers and they are all landing on 2007. What makes this crazier is we aren't just getting these games but tons of extras, like Halo 3 and Halo Wars, FF with tactics, Revenant wings, crisis core, Crystal chronicles... Pokemon with pokemon revolution. Zelda tp(this year for the GC and phantom hourglass for the DS) God of War for ps2 and the other for psp. This is simply huge!!!!

Not to even mention the minion of new franchises that are bound to be huge like: Mass Effect, heavenly Sword, Lair, Halo Wars, Lost Odyessy, Blue Dragon, Little Big Planet, Home, and Too Human. And is Rachet and Clank scheduled for this year? And there was some other smaller sequels like Super Paper Mario, Fire Emblem, Mario Stiker, Stuntman, Killzone, Burnout, Forza 2, Project Gotham Racing 4, Spiderman 3.

Honestly the only thing that could make 2007 bigger is if Nintendo had Animal Crossing and Mario Kart ready, if Sony had Gran Turismo 5 ready, and if EA popped out Sims 3. But without that no other year ever had this many franchises launch sequels. With that said you can call this the year of the sequels for that matter with spiderman, Pirates, Shrek, Bourne, Fantatic Four, Harry Potter, Rush Hour, National Treasure. Not to mention continued franchises like Transformers, and the Simpsons. all in the movies.


And as a side note, don't get crazy if I forgot to name a few games, I'm sure I did, I just was going off the top of my head. So you can name them if you want, either way the point is made, this year we are all winners.