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@Dallinor: Yes, but PS2 is still "alive", and has bigger install base than all the current gen consoles (including handhelds) combined. Well, of course this was about NA and Japan, where the situation isn't as described. You see, it shouldn't matter if the game gets it's release on PS2, if it's good. But definately the early adopters of games, have moved forward from PS2. Leaving only the "casual" crowd playing PS2.

@Zackblue: This topic isn't about ratios, it's about market share. Idea is, that 50% of consoles in the market, which still gets games, are Playstation branded, but marketshare in software is much lower. But maybe comparing console sales and games sales would be more interesting. @Sinha: LOL

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.