Bugs are not exclusive to PC gaming, and console releases experience issues similar to those found with PC games. Worms Armageddon 2 for XBLA, despite going through the quality control that PC games are not subjected to went on sale with a myriad of bugs, some of which were incredibly annoying or game breaking. Even with the fairly recent massive patch, there are still problems. AI opponents for example are still completely moronic and suicidal.
You also have the MW2 javelin bug, which when fixed caused other gameplay issues. This is on a closed platform with quality control for content. There was also the full-game unlock bug for Shadow Complex, broken netcode for months with Castle Crashers, among others I'm sure.
There's Warhawk, Fat Princess, Socom, Metal Gear Online and other ps3 games that were absolutely broken day one online and required patches to fix things like stat tracking, matchmaking, and connectivity issues. Again, there's quality control yet each one of these games was released in what turned out to be a broken state.
The point is that while PCs lack uniformity, consoles still have many issues surrounding buggy releases, horrible initial functionality, and problems even with "uniform" hardware. Also important to note is that while consoles are made to a certain spec, they commonly undergo a dozen or more revisions throughout the generation. Some parts -- not unlike PCs, may be more reliable than others, or certain revisions may create problems that require patching, and vice versa. When hardware uniformity goes wrong, like the RRoD or some ps2 revisions(bad laser), it's much worse than PC component failures that can often be isolated and replaced.
tl;dr version - Even with hardware "uniformity" and quality control, consoles suffer from many of the same issues that PCs do. Installs, serious bugs, unreliable hardware, and OS updates aren't just for PCs anymore.
Demon's Souls Official Thread | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka