Lolcislaw said:
Thinking this way, every form of civil disobiedience for national reason or uprising can be seen as act of terrorism. I agree with majority of freedom fighters (the ones with realistic cause, and support of their people), people have a cardinal right to self determination. What i dont agree is bunch of ridicilous religious loons, pissed off on a whole world because it is not shaped in the way they would want it. |
That's exactly what I'm saying. You say freedom fighters, they say terrorists.
Also I'm guessing that there are freedom fighters because they don't feel their world is not shaped the way they want it. Their inspiration was probably not religiously inspired, but the initiative remains.
I'm also willing to bet my left nut that if the religious fanatics in the US weren't fat and lazy they'd be right there killing Muslims, at least by the sound of it.
Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."
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