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Hello captain obvious :P

Good thread, though I see people trying to debate many of these points. Honestly the mass of people that game still see SNES games as looking really good. It's just not that big of a deal to them and its only hurting console/game makers by making everything more expensive.


But the game industry refuses to see this right now, they see the "gamers" as the masses, when they're not, and never have been. Would be great for the game industry to see why things like NSMB Wii sells out when its hard for great games like Chronicles of Riddick to sell much less sell consistently over time. I say it'd be a great time in gaming for both consumers and the business as a whole.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000