XxXProphecyXxX said: Ohhh shit I think I know where this is going, do I sense another prototype vs Infamouse incident wer 360 fans hyping up a multiplat game like its exclusive to go up against the ps3 exclusive? not this again plz. |
I think you just hit the nail on the head......
In other news, why are people comparing GoW to the extent they are comparing it to Dante's Inferno? Nobody ever compares GoW to DMC, unless they say "these are hack n slash games". If you want to compare games on grounds of what is most similar to what, the DI is a complete ripoff of GoW, and Bayonetta should be compared to was made by the same guy, you know? Gameplay mechanics of Bayonetta are reminiscent of DMC, with its' own style. DI doesn't have its' own style. I said this in another thread: I think EA just found the code for GoW, modded it with a Divine Comedy skin, then said it was a unique game.....
It's like what Treyarch did with CoD:WaW....everyone just called it Modern Warfare with a WWII skin.....