Very disappointed with that. I got a PS3 and I think all of this raving is very misleading, I could have used this money for something else. It just wasn't my style of gameplay at all, and I was a PS2 customer last generation.
I can't wait to get NSMBWii however. I've played a bunch of games, and demos on the PS3 and even though they're very complex and full of features, they "feel" like movies to me. And that's not interesting to me.
I hope someday the paradigm will once again consider gameplay in the context of FUN factor, more highly. It just seems like we give our praise to a bunch of technical achievements now, not valueing the true entertainment which makes the medium what it is. I feel like we're serving technology, rather than technology serving us. There was no PS3 game I played that didn't feel like work, even the supposedly intuitive ones like LBP. I just feel like we're way too caught up in the technical spectrum, unnecessarily. Perhaps one day the technology was primitive and technical advancements were very important, but it's no longer so.