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First of all, people complained about the F.E.A.R. port but I played it and it was fine.  Rainbow Six had a few problems supposedly but received great reviews despite those problems and played fine.  I enjoyed them both.

That said, NCAA for the PS3 was terribly slow compared to the previous PS2 versions.  I even decided to get the PS2 version and return the PS3 version.

If this Orange Box has problems closer to F.E.A.R. there shouldnt be a problem, especially since Portal seems to be working fine.  If the game runs closer to what NCAA did then there will be problems.

The one thing UT3 has going for it is the fact that it has mods.  There is no reason to trash Valve except for not knowing the value of the PS3.  They do make great games and the Orange Box is the best deal in videogame history.  The only better deal is the PC version which is not only $10 cheaper but includes all mods.  The game I've played the most on the PC besides Blizzard games is Counter-strike, which everyone knows was a mod of Halflife.

If the PS3 version does suck, just get it for the PC like I'm doing for Bioshock.  Steam is a great service anyway.  It's better than Games for Windows and Live and it's free.

I did play CoD4 on the PS3 and that game is great.  It's not as good a deal as The Orange Box, but it's fantastic.