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Mummelmann said:
Maybe it is silly that a million seller isn't a blazing success but you can't blame developers for wanting sales like Modern Warfare 2 for instance, that game is selling like nothing else ever has (3rd party multiplatform that is).

The issue is everyone took the Halo idea where everything is hyped beyond belief and it makes it like there's a summer blockbuster film coming out every week and is marketed as such, if you want to know why attach rates are so high for 360 thats the reason, but even that can't make enough people to buy enough of the big games so every game can break even.  

Only a select few get the needed sales to be a rousing success, most can get a million maybe two which last gen would be nothing to scoff at but this gen that seems to be the line to keep your head above water, its just the game industry is going to spiral into oblivion at its current rate with developers and publishers dropping like flies/posting HUGE losses, what does it really matter if you can get Halo 3 type sales if every other game you release negate those big sales and you end up going in a hole.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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