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It seems that as soon as Final Fantasy XIII released, the hype train at Square Enix began for Final Fantasy Versus XIII. In a Japanese magazine interview, Nomura has been detailing Final Fantasy Versus XIII, and things are looking promising:

- The in game graphics have been upgraded, so much so that there is no real difference between the CGI (prerendered video) and the graphics in game.
- More detailed information regarding the development of Agito XIII and Versus XIII to come in early 2010.
- This is a dark Final Fantasy as everyone expected (FF7/8 fans rejoice).
- Nomura confirms steady development on another title, which is not a new IP, but hasn't confirmed what it is, although it may be Kingdom Hearts 3.

A lot to look forward to for PS3 fans, and as this is Nomura speaking it is very likely that a Kingdom Hearts 3 may finally be announced!